Film Poster


Before producing my own film poster I needed to start by researching what key elements are used by filmmakers to produce their posters to industry standards.

At first glance I noticed that all posters stuck religiously to a theme. 'Public Enemies' uses black, white and silver colours, 'The Matrix' has a purple hue and 'Watchmen' is teal and bright yellow. They do this to give the product a sense of brand identity that can be instantly recognised by the consumer. I will need to have a consistent theme across my coursework to show that they are related.

After studying the posters more closely there are other qualities that are prevalent throughout. All three consist of a picture of the character/s and only a small percentage of it is covered with text describing the title or crediting actors and staff. A tag line is also sometimes used or a quote from a review it has received. 'The Matrix' credits its main actors at the top of the poster and 'Watchmen' has included a release date beneath the credits.

My Film Poster



As you can see in my poster I have made sure to keep to a theme. The black and white colour scheme continues to produce a sense of brand identity in line with my other texts and I have made sure to incorporate all the other qualities present in the industry standard posters. These include crediting the two main actors at the top of the poster, a quote from my own magazine review page and a date for the release. I also made sure that the picture was one of my character and that the text is not dominant.